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联系人:繆琳琳 女士 (主管)
电 话:0512-82079313
手 机:18136136135


供应戴乐克DIRAK 1-085安全锁系列







1-085 safety quarter-turns

Nowadays more enterprises have implemented industry integration in the global market when producing industrial goods. Most equipment manufacturers will ask the processors of sheet metal to process the housings of machines, which then has caused a new problem.

To meet the needs of the market, DIRAK has developed 1-085 safety quarter-turns, which can’t be moved easily in the vibration.

At present, this type is more preferred by wind power industry, which suffers high maintenance cost and needs reliable and excellent suppliers to maintain the good quality of products in a long time. Especially the paddles are always 70 to 100 meters above the ground and will revolve with the fans all the time. Our 1-085 safety quarter-turns are widely applied in this field

繆琳琳 女士 (主管)  
电  话: 0512-82079313
传  真: 0512-82079311
移动电话: 18136136135
公司地址: 中国江苏吴江市经济开发区江兴东路1128号
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公司主页: http://dirakmarket2011.qy6.com(加入收藏)

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苏州戴乐克工业锁具有限公司 公司地址:中国江苏吴江市经济开发区江兴东路1128号
繆琳琳 女士 (主管) 电话:0512-82079313 传真:0512-82079311
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